Who’s At The Centre Of The Universe?

In a nutshell… ‘’You are’’

We all think we are at the centre of the universe. From where we are, all things start. Our experience is amazing! We feel that we are the most important thing in the world. And we love ourselves beyond what is possible. Even when we criticize ourselves in our heads. Which is pretty much the whole time…. We love ourselves! And we don’t want anything to happen to us, that will not feel good.

And this is the thing that keeps us stuck! Why, you ask…

Because by loving ourselves so much we forget one thing. And that is… we hang on too tight to what ‘’we want’’. We expect everything that happens to us to be the very best. And when it doesn’t. We feel sad or angry or everything in between. We think we should experience everything good that life has to offer because, after all, we are at the centre of it.

 And this does not apply only to humans. It applies to all living things. They all think they are at the centre of the universe. Only people think they ‘’should’’ be, and they ‘’deserve’’ to have every good thing they want. Thinking they are something different from everything that goes around them.

And it’s this ‘’want’’ that gives us the exact opposite of what we want. Because life does not work that way. We label our experiences as good or bad. But are they really that?

Haven’t you ever experienced a ‘’bad’’ thing happening to you? Which at a later date, looking back, see that it was actually a blessing in disguise.

We don’t know the way life works. And using our will to turn it into what we want, only makes it halt, and gives us what we don’t want. You can’t force life! There is no forcing in nature. The animals never force. Even if they live in the most unbearable conditions. They just move on to look for food and shelter and do what they do.

But when you give them everything they could possibly want (and extensive studies have been made on this). The entire species dies! Because they can’t do what they are supposed to do. And that is …

Experience everything that life has to offer. Such as… love, food hunger, anger, etc. Most things we try to run from are actually helping us have a great life!

So… To conclude, by knowing we are at the centre of the universe. And we love ourselves very much. We understand that by running away from the things we find undesirable, we will never be able to live a full and complete life. And by not hanging on so tight to what we think we need. We might just find peace and calm.

And live a life worth living!


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