Do Ideas Make Our Lives Better?

Do ideas make our lives better? That is a question of magnitude proportions. So why am I saying that? Is it because I don’t think ideas are improving our life or business or whatever it may be?

Questions, questions, questions. We ask questions all the time. When will my life start? Or when will I get that raise or when will I be happy? And so on!

But the thing is, we only ask these questions because we are not happy where we are. So, we look for ideas that will enhance our life. And the biggest one of all…

Is the idea of making a business that will bring enough money so that we are comfortable or even rich. Isn’t it?

We put our life on hold. And we think we will be happy when we realize our idea and our plan. And we will have no worries at all. Everything will be perfect!

We will have no more money problems or any kind of problems. We will have a better house, in a better neighborhood. We will go out and not worry about money. Or we could take care of our family better. In other words…

‘’We are waiting for our life to start!’’

But here is the kicker… 99.9% of the people stop at the idea level. Yes, you read that well. So, what we do is…

We have an idea to better our life and we keep it with us all the time. We think how it will change our lives and we imagine how good our life will be. But we don’t take any action toward making it a reality. Or we take some little steps, sometimes. And then we put it on the shelf for when we are not that busy. So, we stay stuck!

After a while of keeping this idea in our heads. We start thinking we will succeed no matter what because we have thought about it so much. And years go by and nothing changes. We are where we left off. Only worse, because now we are older, and we have more responsibilities.

So, you see, thinking about something and doing it are two separate things. Once we have an idea that we think will better our life. We should immediately act on it. Take a small step toward making it a reality. And then every day do something that propels you forward. And if you do that, two things will happen…

You will have success, or you will find out that it’s not for you. Each of these two things has given you a great gift. If it did work, you succeeded faster than just procrastinating and waiting for the right moment that may have never come.

And if you didn’t, you learned very fast that that idea was not for you. You may find out that you don’t really like it, or you are just not that good at that particular thing. And that is wonderful news. Because you did not wait for years to get that answer. And now you are free to think about something else. That may work!

We don’t start because we are afraid to fail. And we think that if we give it more time or think about it more our chances of success will be higher. But as you see, that is not the case. That just breeds inaction and insecurity. And you will never lift off the ground on your journey.

So, start! And just do! Act on your ideas so you can see if they work. Because if you don’t. You will wait for something that may never come.

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