Our Inner Dialog Is Destroying Our Dreams
We are our worst critics. And our inner world is a storm, instead of a sunny day. We feel anxiety, depression, hurt, loss, and everything in between. And we resort to external means of quieting down those feelings from that huge storm. So, we go out too much, take drugs, or drink too much. Only to quiet the mind. This inner turmoil.
We know there is a way out. But we never truly choose to look inside. We feel like we’re going to explode. This feeling is just pressing down on us. Even when we get a win, like a raise or anything. It’s just there and you can’t shake it. And the more we ignore it… The more it grows. Until it’s too much. And we explode with anger and resentment toward everything and everybody around us.
It’s only when we look inside, that we see what our problems are. Then we can move forwards.
What we say to ourselves has a big impact on our bodies and our decisions. We are who we are now because of our thinking. Most of our thoughts are repeated thoughts. That Is, from tens of thousands of thoughts a day, most are the same as yesterday. And what do we know…
‘’What gets repeated gets installed’’.
So, by not wanting to be fat or ugly or a loser. By focusing on the things we don’t want, we actually get those things… Where attention goes energy flows as they say. In other words, you are what you focus on.
So, if this is true. Why not focus on loving thoughts about ourselves? When we feel like losers, or anything else, why not talk to ourselves in an inspired, loving voice? Where we acknowledge what we have done and move past it, giving ourselves a nice heartfelt pep talk.
It’s so curious, you know, that we only do it to others but never to ourselves. We think they need it more. Or, we do it just to be nice. But when it comes to us, we are quick to reprimand what we did. It comes easily that way!
But if we start treating ourselves with kindness, as you’ll see…
‘’Magical things happen’’.