Who’s At The Centre Of The Universe?

Who’s At The Centre Of The Universe?

In a nutshell… ‘’You are’’

We all think we are at the centre of the universe. From where we are, all things start. Our experience is amazing! We feel that we are the most important thing in the world. And we love ourselves beyond what is possible. Even when we criticize ourselves in our heads. Which is pretty much the whole time…. We love ourselves! And we don’t want anything to happen to us, that will not feel good.

And this is the thing that keeps us stuck! Why, you ask…

Because by loving ourselves so much we forget one thing. And that is… we hang on too tight to what ‘’we want’’. We expect everything that happens to us to be the very best. And when it doesn’t. We feel sad or angry or everything in between. We think we should experience everything good that life has to offer because, after all, we are at the centre of it.

 And this does not apply only to humans. It applies to all living things. They all think they are at the centre of the universe. Only people think they ‘’should’’ be, and they ‘’deserve’’ to have every good thing they want. Thinking they are something different from everything that goes around them.

And it’s this ‘’want’’ that gives us the exact opposite of what we want. Because life does not work that way. We label our experiences as good or bad. But are they really that?

Haven’t you ever experienced a ‘’bad’’ thing happening to you? Which at a later date, looking back, see that it was actually a blessing in disguise.

We don’t know the way life works. And using our will to turn it into what we want, only makes it halt, and gives us what we don’t want. You can’t force life! There is no forcing in nature. The animals never force. Even if they live in the most unbearable conditions. They just move on to look for food and shelter and do what they do.

But when you give them everything they could possibly want (and extensive studies have been made on this). The entire species dies! Because they can’t do what they are supposed to do. And that is …

Experience everything that life has to offer. Such as… love, food hunger, anger, etc. Most things we try to run from are actually helping us have a great life!

So… To conclude, by knowing we are at the centre of the universe. And we love ourselves very much. We understand that by running away from the things we find undesirable, we will never be able to live a full and complete life. And by not hanging on so tight to what we think we need. We might just find peace and calm.

And live a life worth living!


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How To Find Calm and Peace In Life

How To Find Calm And Peace In Life

By Letting Go Of Yourself

I held on to everything I had in my life. I always tried to build businesses but always kept working jobs I didn’t like as backup. And when I would need to change the job, I didn’t like. I would put my business on hold and search for another job.

I got so scared when money stopped coming in, that I did everything to have it back. And so, I stayed stuck for many years. I hated my life, but always moved to another thing I thought will bring me success. Though there was always something in the back of my head that was keeping me afraid and stuck.

I was afraid to let go! I felt everything should be controlled and I didn’t want to lose what I had or accumulated. It’s sad now that I think about it. And after years of neurotic holding on to what I have. I realized, you can’t hold on to anything…

You can’t hold on to your money, you can’t hold on to your spouse, you can’t hold on to anything. Everything comes and goes and it’s not good or bad. It just is!

We label events as good and bad. But in the long run, we never know how that good event might turn out. It might be something that keeps us stuck for a lifetime. I remember viewing a documentary once about an old man who lived in a small town in America.

He made the winning shot in the high school basketball final. Like in the movies… At the last second, he makes the shot and wins the game. An amazing feeling, he felt that day. And it was great. It was a beautiful event. But because everyone spoke to him like he was a hero. He wanted to hang on to that feeling and adulation from people.

So, he never left that small town. Stayed there and lived only through the memory of that game. Even in old age, he was very proud of it. But you see…

He couldn’t let go of himself. He couldn’t, and he just stayed there, stuck in the past!

Control in life is an illusion. We only need to move forward and forget the rest. Just because we succeeded in something today does not mean we need to hold on to it and guard it. Or repeat it again and again. Once you have experienced something there is no need to repeat it. You move on and if it does happen again great and if it doesn’t that’s great as well.

When you let go of… yourself, your thoughts, and desires, and just do the thing in front of you to the best of your ability with no thought of the outcome. You will live a simple and beautiful life. A life full of spontaneity and wonder. You are free to slow down and love what you do. You can really appreciate the things that happen in your life. And you just feel calm!

But this is not an easy thing to do. Because we hold on too tight! And we live in fear and anxiety that the things we have will be taken away. Or that we will lose the people we care about. But the thing is… holding on too tight will make us lose them or start to be unhappy with them.

We always look to become something, to succeed in something. We feel we need to succeed. But this need is seldom fulfilled!

I remember once, when I was watching a comedy show and the comedian said something that I thought was profound. He said…

‘’We keep saying children are our future. Do you remember when ‘’you’’, were the future?’’

He meant it as a joke, but the audience was silent for a moment. And then some nervous laughter came. But that awkward pause, gave me chills. Because I realized all of these people had hopes and dreams and most didn’t realize them. Because they held on too tight to whom they thought they were or to what they had. They probably, most of them anyway, lived a comfortable life. But that pause meant they didn’t live the life they wanted.

And that my friends, is why we get depressed and angry all the time. We drink or party too much or we work too much and never see our families. We need to learn to let go and just do what’s in front of us without looking at the end result. Or even hoping that the end result will be good. We just do it! And then life becomes simple, and we are freed to do what we are meant to do.

And that is ‘’to be’’.

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What Will People Say?

What Will People Say?

This is the oldest fear people have. ‘’What would other people say?’’ So, we go way out of our way to ensure people will talk nice about us or perceive us as nice. But why? Why is that?

Because we want to be liked!

That sentence kills so many dreams you wouldn’t believe. When we look for a job or approach someone we are interested in, we secretly, in the back of our minds, have the desire to be liked by them. Even if we don’t like them, we still want them to like us. So, we feel stress and anxiety and everything in between. Because we must have that certainty that we are liked.

But the thing we need to understand is… that even if people don’t like you or say something about you. They will eventually forget or move on because it’s just not that important to them. For you on the other hand will matter tremendously. And you will take that with you and obsess over it for a very long time. Possibly even a lifetime!

But it shouldn’t be this way… If you just understand that people don’t really care and don’t really think about you that much. You will be on their lips for a short period of time, sometimes not even that. And then they will move on, thinking about themselves.

Because that is what we do… we are self-centred. And everything revolves around us or about us. So, there is no space to think about what the other person has done last night. Only maybe if it comes into a conversation and then it passes.

This should be your superpower…

Knowing that nobody really gives a s**t and they will forget about it very easily!

And oddly enough people will like you more when you don’t need their approval. And you will have a better quality of life as a result of it. It’s counterintuitive, and you may even know this in the back of your mind, but keep it hidden.

So, if just let go and understand that people don’t care about what happened. You will be free to make mistakes, learn from them, and no psychological damage will occur. In other words…

You’ll be happy!




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Our Inner Dialog Is Destroying Our Dreams

Our Inner Dialog Is Destroying Our Dreams

We are our worst critics. And our inner world is a storm, instead of a sunny day. We feel anxiety, depression, hurt, loss, and everything in between. And we resort to external means of quieting down those feelings from that huge storm. So, we go out too much, take drugs, or drink too much. Only to quiet the mind. This inner turmoil.

We know there is a way out. But we never truly choose to look inside. We feel like we’re going to explode. This feeling is just pressing down on us. Even when we get a win, like a raise or anything. It’s just there and you can’t shake it. And the more we ignore it… The more it grows. Until it’s too much. And we explode with anger and resentment toward everything and everybody around us.

It’s only when we look inside, that we see what our problems are. Then we can move forwards.

What we say to ourselves has a big impact on our bodies and our decisions. We are who we are now because of our thinking. Most of our thoughts are repeated thoughts. That Is, from tens of thousands of thoughts a day, most are the same as yesterday. And what do we know…

‘’What gets repeated gets installed’’.

So, by not wanting to be fat or ugly or a loser. By focusing on the things we don’t want, we actually get those things… Where attention goes energy flows as they say. In other words, you are what you focus on.

So, if this is true. Why not focus on loving thoughts about ourselves? When we feel like losers, or anything else, why not talk to ourselves in an inspired, loving voice? Where we acknowledge what we have done and move past it, giving ourselves a nice heartfelt pep talk.

It’s so curious, you know, that we only do it to others but never to ourselves. We think they need it more. Or, we do it just to be nice. But when it comes to us, we are quick to reprimand what we did. It comes easily that way!

But if we start treating ourselves with kindness, as you’ll see…

‘’Magical things happen’’.

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Why Searching Outside Of Yourself Is ”Not” The Way

Why Searching Outside Of Yourself Is ''Not'' The Way

We always try to improve ourselves. Always think of ways to make money, get more love or attention, and so on. We feel we are out of control and just can’t really get the thing we want. And it’s frustrating!

So then, we get angry with ourselves saying things like… ‘’I should have made it by now’’ or ‘’Why don’t I meet someone that really loves me and makes me happy’’ etc.

The thing is, we are so used to looking for confirmation from the outside world that we forget we have an inside world as well. It’s fantastic how well we forget this. Even when we know it intellectually.

The thing is it should be the other way around. We should get internal validation first and then external validation. For example…

  • We love ourselves first and then we expect someone else to love us.
  • We feel that we deserve money and then we go and get it.
  • We enjoy our company and then we expect other people to enjoy it as well.

It all starts with us. With how we feel inside!

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What Diet Is The Best And Does It Have To Be One?

What Diet Is The Best And Does It Have To Be One?

I see everywhere these new lifestyle diets…. Vegan, ketogenic, low carb, etc. You follow one then you switch to the other and so on.

But are they sustainable?

The answer is… No!

We are omnivores so we eat plants and meat. That is the best diet for us. The only caveat is that we need to eat more of some things and less of others. To really reap the benefits of the food we eat.

So, you see, I come across many die-hard vegans or ketogenic people who after a few years, they see they can’t live like that anymore. The benefits they saw in the beginning disappeared. And now they are left with aches and pains. And a low quality of life.

They get scared and go and eat plants or meat. Anything their restrictive diet has deprived them of. And they start to feel better. No more migraines and sore muscles. No more bleeding gums and weak teeth. In other words, they start feeling good again.

And then, they go the other way. They start scrutinizing their ex-diet. People should be afraid of doing it and so on. So now they start where they left off. They just found a new thing to talk about. But no real change takes place in their life.

I have been trying most of these diets. And it was always hard. I could never really keep them for more than a few months. And I always thought that I was failing. That I didn’t have the willpower to better my life. But I was wrong! I realized that you could eat anything. You just have to moderate it.

 So, I wanted to build muscle and have my abs show. What I resolved to do was…

Follow a ketogenic diet for 5 days a week and 2 days eat whatever. And it works! I can keep this for as long as I want. And when I go on holiday. I eat whatever I fancy. And I feel ok with it.

If I gain some weight during the holiday. When I go home, I will resume my 5/2 diet. And I won’t push it saying… I will go all out without any cheat days until I reach the weight that I want or had. Because that is a fast train to disaster. I just pick up where I left off. And have a great quality of life while also reaching my goals.

You don’t have to micro-manage your diet in such a way that it becomes a chore. Because if you do you will give up fast and move to the next thing. And that keeps you stuck for a long time. Remember you are not entering Mister Olympia or Miss Universe contest. You just want to look good or feel good and be healthy.

It’s ok to enjoy life! It’s ok to overindulge sometimes! You just have to remember not to be upset when you do. And just resume your wholesome diet when you are done.

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How To Keep Momentum Going In Your Life

How To Keep Momentum Going In Your Life

The hardest thing we humans are called upon to do is… ‘’To Start’’. This has always baffled me. Why is it so hard for me to do things? I have all these great aspirations. But when it’s time to do them, I falter like a sloth.

The desire was always there but I couldn’t do it, so I began to think I was lazy. The years flew by. And no real success came my way. Until I would have enough. And I would start doing the thing that I so desired. And it was wonderful I started to get results. I enjoyed it. There was no laziness in sight 😊.

And then something would happen. Maybe a holiday or I would get the flu and stop. Well, after that I went to my old way of behaving. And couldn’t make myself do the thing that I so desperately wanted to do. Even knowing that I enjoyed doing it.

It all stopped! There was no real progress after that. And it infuriated me.

So, I looked for an answer. Why does this happen to me? It was always in the back of my mind. And Trump saved the day. I have acquired a program that he and his team did on money. I didn’t listen to all of it. Because I thought it wasn’t that good (maybe it was, I don’t know). But right at the beginning, there was a scientist and she explained exactly what was happening to me.

I was over the moon. And this is what she said…

‘’We humans conserve energy. We are very bad at changing direction. So, if you want to work on your business when you come home from work. And you go sit on the couch first and watch something. The odds are you won’t be able to change direction. And won’t go work on your business’’.

I was not the only one in this. It’s a studied human condition…

This blew my mind, and it was the answer I was looking for. I always felt I wasn’t lazy. But I didn’t know how to handle it. And this is the mechanism why when you build momentum. You go further and further. Because it takes less and less energy to do it.

But results didn’t come fast. I have had the answer but still…

I couldn’t apply it!

It was hard to change direction. And when I did, I had momentum. And when I stopped, I stopped for good. Again, no real success. Very frustrating!

I had the answer but applying it was hell. We all search for answers and so many times we don’t know what to do with them when we do get them. And dismiss them. And search for something else. And then years later you have an ‘’aha’’ moment which was the exact same thing as the answer you found earlier. It just took you years to internalize it.

Good salespeople know this very well… if you want someone to buy, you must guide them in such a way, that they think they came up with the idea of buying in the first place. And then the sale’s done in a heartbeat.

So that is what happened to me. Years later I had an ‘’aha’’ moment. I knew I wasn’t to blame for my condition of not starting. So, I got to thinking…

Everybody is saying… ‘’your words have power, so use them carefully’’.

What If I change the word ‘’hard’’. As in <it’s hard to go to work> to <It’s easy to go to work>’’

My mantra became… ‘’It’s easy to do and it’s easy not to do’’.

As in, it’s easy to go to work, and it’s easy not to go to work. Overall, it’s easy!

And my life changed!

I have found the second piece of the puzzle. Something so simple and yet extremely powerful. Absolutely beautiful! I knew I wasn’t lazy and now I found an easy way to get the ball rolling. It ‘’only’’ took me many years to understand, But easy!

And now I always take care of what words I use. And how I talk to myself.

The words that come out of our mouths have a bigger impact than we think. Especially the ones we say to ourselves. So…

When you talk to yourself. Even more so after some mistake, you’ve made. Do not reprimand yourself. Do not say ‘’I’m such an idiot’’ or anything else bad you might say to yourself. I know we can get very creative when we insult ourselves. But just say something kind, like…

‘’I knew this was a mistake. And I still did it! And that’s ok, I still love you! And I know next time I will think twice before doing that again’’.

That mindset will set you free… As simple as it may be!

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Fear Not The Hypocrisy Of The World

‘’Fear Not The Hypocrisy Of The World’’

We are always told that governments have our backs. That they will ‘’take care’’ of us. Even though we don’t believe it, we want to believe it. And from this come all our troubles.

We give politicians the power. And they, as you can imagine use it for their benefit and not ours. Very little change occurs everywhere. But the change that does occur is the change that helps the government become stronger or wealthier.

And if you are to be smart you can benefit from this. You can go with the tide instead of against it. There will always be an opportunity in that (which we think is designed only for the rich). But if you are ‘’smart’’ and by smart, I mean, you just look, you can take advantage as well. And I mean legally!

It’s easy to do it legally! And that is a fact that most people think you can’t do. Oh, these politicians are doing this and that and keeping us poor, and so on. But it’s not like that. While you may be right, you cannot do anything about it. But what if you can change your thinking? What if…

You think, that because of these politicians, you have everything you have. And if it wouldn’t be for them you would live in chaos. People would steal and kill as they would deem right and much more. We live in such a society where we have many rights and opportunities to have a great life if we want to take the time to achieve it. Instead of trying to fight politicians and the government.

We live in a great society. But we choose not to see that. Of course, it could be better. And of course, they are trying to control us. But they only succeed because we let them. Because we focus on the negative, the bad things, etc. But it shouldn’t be like this. If we would just open our minds from hate to gratitude…

We might live a life that is worth living!

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Am I Living In My Box Or Someone Else’s?

Am I Living In My Box Or Someone Else's?

Take a moment and think about infinity. Just ponder about it for a bit. And you will find out, you can’t. You can’t comprehend infinity. Because you always reach a point in your mind where you hit a wall. And when you go past it, your mind will go and hit another, and another. It stretches our minds so hard that we become dizzy if we stay with it long enough.

But why? Why is this?

We don’t know is the most common answer. And then people go about their day. It’s just too hard to think about. So, we put it aside completely. But my take on it is this…

We are brought up to think that way! To think in a box! We have certain boundaries that we must respect and never cross. Because that is what is acceptable of us in society. And I can understand that. Most of it is good. It keeps us safe and moving forward. But it doesn’t just stop there…

The box contains fears as well as hold-ups that hinder our lives and keeps us in stress and unhappiness. And that leads to control. Over the ages, people have been most successfully ruled by fear. They were kept in fear from the day they were born and were thought, at the same time, to do anything to live and fear death. Because in that way they could be manipulated. I mean, just think about religion!

A person that doesn’t fear death. Is a dangerous person. One that can instil change, if it’s not stopped. So, you can’t have that! And it’s in this way you see that we live in our little boxes and never push through. We get so many fears, and we hang on so much to what we have that we get paralyzed and worried and stressed. When we encounter even a small change in our environment. We resist it so much. It’s just unbearable for a while.

Most people live like this and never even wonder why. It’s normal for them. And they are so captivated by their box that nothing can get through to them. But there are some that have broken through this illusion. And see life in a different light.

Now I am not saying that is a very bad thing to live in your box. And that you should be outside of it all the time. But what I think is best and ponder about a lot lately is, maybe ‘’you should live on both planes at the same time’’. In other words…

You should obey society’s laws and rules that come with that. But at the same time have no fear of death. Because once you accept death. It feels wonderful. You have such freedom in you. You don’t know what to do with it at first. Time slows down, and you take care of things and people better. You are more present. And don’t feel a rush of stress upon waking in the morning or during the day as most people do. You realize you have time.

After all, the biggest lie we are fed right now is ‘’you don’t have enough time’’…

  • You must rush and get things done.
  • You must work and work and sleep less.
  • And be a model member of society and this and that.

No! Relax… Work hard but play hard as well. Take time off. Slow down a bit. This is what people living on islands do. There’s not much to do there. And they are happy. Their way of life goes at a very slow pace. And they enjoy it.

One of the constructs of the box we are kept in is ‘’control’’. This has always been and always will be. But when you accept death, or your fear of death is gone. You cannot be controlled anymore. I have recently seen a documentary about a doctor who has found a cure for cancer. His name is Stanislaw Burzynski and lives in Houston Texas. And he fought the FDA for 40 years and almost was put in prison for life because of his discovery. But his passion was bigger than his fear of death. And he prevailed. And he may bring an end to cancer. Who knows?

All fear is eventually fear of death. And when you can move past that…

You cannot be controlled anymore.

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On Childhood Trauma

On Childhood Trauma

We see around us people that are shut off. They have their hands crossed and backs arched and have a hard time looking people in the eye. And we don’t like them. We think they’re weird and not fun to be around. But they are normal, only they can’t express themselves very well. They find difficult what most people find easy and effortless.

Most of them had traumas in their life they couldn’t deal with, so they shut off from the world. Their life was turned upside down. And usually, happens when they are young. They don’t know how to ask for help, even if they desperately need it. They are bullied and laughed at.

They find life a living hell. They wonder and always ask… Why me? Why am I not like the rest of them? Why has this happened to me? Why can’t I move past it?

Their inner world is a tornado that you just can’t see from the outside. They look with envy at how well others can communicate and get along. How easy it is for them to talk to other people or make eye contact. And they just retrieve in their own small world. And imagine being the heroes of their own story.

Growing up, my mum was always stressed because we didn’t have enough money. She was working very hard. She beat the s**t out of me when I’ve made a mistake. And my stepdad, once my brother was born, threw me aside. And didn’t show me any love anymore. So maybe I felt I didn’t deserve love. I don’t know!

Needless to say, I didn’t do well in school. I would blush and couldn’t make eye contact with any girl. Everybody thought I was weird. But I just didn’t know how to get out of that state. I would see my colleagues have fun. But I couldn’t do what they did. I would just go home and before bed imagine I was a hero… I had the girl, I had the body and I had the skills.

I just wanted love, but I didn’t know how to get it. So, I muscled along the grades.

But this is not a pity story, I am trying to paint here. I acknowledge this is a hard predicament for someone to be in. But if you show these people pity. You will only do them harm. Because in their quest for love, for being liked. They will take pity! It will feel like acceptance to them. And they will remain stuck. I know I did that, I would take anything. Just to feel included. But that is the wrong way of thinking. And very dangerous. It keeps you stuck for a long time.

So, if you want to help. You have to take them out of their shell at a very slow pace. And have a lot of patience. But if you don’t see anything special in them. You just don’t take the time to do that because it’s too much work and you get mostly nothing out of it. So, they, like myself, are left to their own.

And they will go on like that until their desire to have a girlfriend, a boyfriend, or a ‘’normal’’ life is greater than the bubble they’re in. And then, magic happens. They don’t just go for it. Once they are committed, they go all in. There is nothing to lose and everything to gain.

That is what I did. One year before finishing high school I had enough. I wanted a girlfriend. I wanted my life to change. So, I burst out of my bubble and went all in. In a very short time, I was a new man. I had several girlfriends and people wanted me around. Because I became fun!

When we are in this stuck state, we don’t see a way out. And we are mostly just looking with envy at the people that ‘’have it so easy’’. And in some weird and twisted way, feel, that we are special. And ‘’they’’ are just idiots or bullies or something like that. And we just know what’s best. And we only see the world as bad or as turning its back on us.

You see, for a person living with some sort of trauma everything is about them. They don’t get me! It’s them against me, the idiots! But the thing is, it’s not. We’ve gotten so used to living in that state. That we think, that is just how things are. And because of all our pain, we feel entitled and right. We just can’t express it!

And this keeps us stuck for a long time because it gives us a sense of control. In an otherwise loser behaviour. But the thing is… there is, a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

We just have to go and get it!

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