The ''I'm doing this to help people myth''
I hear all the time people saying….
”Oh I feel I should put this stuff out because I want to help people”
They are making documentaries, or holding interviews with the people that helped them. And all sorts of things.
But the real truth of why they are trying to show the world these really great tools (and they might be great). Is because they still feel alone.
And deep down they need the reassurance that what they are doing actually works. I know I felt that way. And I used to tell everybody about them. More so when they were not working for me at that particular time.
It doesn’t mean they are bad people. But they just can’t see or don’t want to see that that is the case. So they go so out of their way to get this stuff out to ”help people”. That they lose themselves again.
And end up deeper in the hole.
So be aware of this and accept it. It’s ok to want to do it for yourself. It doesn’t have less value.
It just might give you power.