What Diet Is The Best And Does It Have To Be One?

I see everywhere these new lifestyle diets…. Vegan, ketogenic, low carb, etc. You follow one then you switch to the other and so on.

But are they sustainable?

The answer is… No!

We are omnivores so we eat plants and meat. That is the best diet for us. The only caveat is that we need to eat more of some things and less of others. To really reap the benefits of the food we eat.

So, you see, I come across many die-hard vegans or ketogenic people who after a few years, they see they can’t live like that anymore. The benefits they saw in the beginning disappeared. And now they are left with aches and pains. And a low quality of life.

They get scared and go and eat plants or meat. Anything their restrictive diet has deprived them of. And they start to feel better. No more migraines and sore muscles. No more bleeding gums and weak teeth. In other words, they start feeling good again.

And then, they go the other way. They start scrutinizing their ex-diet. People should be afraid of doing it and so on. So now they start where they left off. They just found a new thing to talk about. But no real change takes place in their life.

I have been trying most of these diets. And it was always hard. I could never really keep them for more than a few months. And I always thought that I was failing. That I didn’t have the willpower to better my life. But I was wrong! I realized that you could eat anything. You just have to moderate it.

 So, I wanted to build muscle and have my abs show. What I resolved to do was…

Follow a ketogenic diet for 5 days a week and 2 days eat whatever. And it works! I can keep this for as long as I want. And when I go on holiday. I eat whatever I fancy. And I feel ok with it.

If I gain some weight during the holiday. When I go home, I will resume my 5/2 diet. And I won’t push it saying… I will go all out without any cheat days until I reach the weight that I want or had. Because that is a fast train to disaster. I just pick up where I left off. And have a great quality of life while also reaching my goals.

You don’t have to micro-manage your diet in such a way that it becomes a chore. Because if you do you will give up fast and move to the next thing. And that keeps you stuck for a long time. Remember you are not entering Mister Olympia or Miss Universe contest. You just want to look good or feel good and be healthy.

It’s ok to enjoy life! It’s ok to overindulge sometimes! You just have to remember not to be upset when you do. And just resume your wholesome diet when you are done.

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